public function 函數名稱() as 資料型態
end function
函數第四 架構
public function 函數名稱(byval a as Integer,byval b as Integer) as 資料型態
end function
物件類別模組 ==從插入建立
Public Function fun1()
MsgBox "函數架構之區塊"
End Function
Public Function fun2(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
MsgBox a + b
End Function
Public Function fun3() As Integer
fun3 = 555
End Function
Public Function fun4(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
Dim total As Integer
total = x + y
fun4 = total
End Function
呼叫 類別元件
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim com1 As New Ani1 建立實體元件
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim com1 As New Ani1
com1.fun2 a:=12, b:=45 有別於一般用法 com1.fun2(a,b)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim com1 As New Ani1
Dim i As Integer
i = com1.fun3
MsgBox i
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim com1 As New Ani1
Dim sum As Integer
sum = com1.fun4(22, 55)
MsgBox sum
End Sub
'use the With ... End With statement to refer to a Range object
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
'use the Value property of the Range object, to set the value for the range:
.Value = 11
'use the Name property, of the Range object, to set the range name:
.Name = "Score"
.Value = 11
'use the Name property, of the Range object, to set the range name:
.Name = "Score"
'use the Font Property of the Range object that returns a Font object, and then use the With ... End With statement to refer to the Font object
With .Font
With .Font
'note that because you are using the With ... End With statement to refer to the Font object within the Range object, you will not refer to both the range or font objects below:
'use the Name property of the Font object to set the font name:
.Name = "Arial"
'use the Bold property of the Font object to set the font to bold:
.Bold = True
'use the Color property of the Font object to set the font color:
'use the Name property of the Font object to set the font name:
.Name = "Arial"
'use the Bold property of the Font object to set the font to bold:
.Bold = True
'use the Color property of the Font object to set the font color:
.Color = vbRed
End With
'use the Borders property of the Range object to return all four borders (Borders collection object), and then use the LineStyle property of the Borders object to add a double border:
.Borders.LineStyle = xlDouble
'the Clear Method of the Range object, clears the range (clears the contents, formulas and formatting):
.Borders.LineStyle = xlDouble
'the Clear Method of the Range object, clears the range (clears the contents, formulas and formatting):
End With
Excel Objects Hierarchy |
Application Object |
![]() |
Workbook Object |
![]() |
Worksheet Object |
![]() |
Range Object |